Neural atrophy
Synaptic disconnect
Am writing this blog in the hope that it will act as a wakeup call, cause a stir, or if not a stir trigger a revolution! Yes a revolution at the instigation of the medical profession, more specifically by the specialty of neurology by that profession. If the medical profession choose, deliberately, ignorantly, or otherwise to ignore the problem then by major debate, by those capable of undertaking that debate – perhaps select committee by the United Nation. Left unchecked the modern iphone, the Apple and Samsung versions 5 & 6 and planned advances on those versions are exceedingly advancing the yet to come sudden epidemic of aphasia (atrophy and death of neural connections in areas of the brain responsible for speech). Hello those who are awake, neurologists and others, take notice of the following facts and observations which are becoming universal worldwide, if not yet worldwide then the so called ‘west’.
Facts & Observations
Each day for the last 6 months whilst waiting at the platform to catch train in the morning and late in the afternoon I made a point of counting the number of commuters who were either exploring their iphones and had earplugs connected to their iphone, those talking, those playing games, and others who appear to be simply fascinated exploring the various applications, facebook and whatever else on offer. On average less than 5% of commuters were either reading newspaper or talking. This percentage dropped to 3% or less on the return journey late afternoon. I am talking about average of 100 people in the morning and 300 people late afternoon. How strange my late father would feel out of place if he were to board a train is Sydney today? To see in a carriage that seats 70 plus people each person carrying hand held gadget plugged to his or her ears and talking in the air in total ignorance to everybody not the least to the person sitting next to him or her. A scene and reality that is not only strange, to the likes of my father, but to us mere ten years ago. The greater worry to humanity and the human race is the attachment and reliance of the young of the iphone. I do mean the really young the 4 and 5 years old to the delight and encouragement of their parents are quickly becoming competent users of the iphones especially in downloading games. What effect will that knowledge and reliance on the iphone have on a young developing brain, the interconnecting pathways and the developing synaptic connections upon which the normal health and functioning of the said pathway is dependent? It cannot be anything but deleterious.
In the next blog I will look at normal neurology of speech, the area in the brain responsible to deciphering the neural message to speech and the atrophy that could result in aphasia that one sees in patients who had suffered moderate to severe stroke. I will also look at possible solutions that address the medical and legal aspect of the forthcoming aphasia tsunami.
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