Poetic Justice
This week, 20th
March 2013 to be exact, marked the tenth anniversary of the second Iraq
war that toppled Saddam Hussein and saw him captured and hanged. This
week also marked the second anniversary of the Syrian war that is still
raging and is likely to end with a cataclysmic Middle Eastern war that
will engulf the world, particularly the USA and Europe. Regardless of
what appears to be the cause that journalist and other media outlets
want you to accept the cause and reality is control and dominance of the
Holy City of Jerusalem. That control; and dominance is sought and
claimed by three of the world major religions: Judaism, Christianity and
Islam. Each of these religion see cataclysmic war taking place in
which the Messiah, Christ, Mehdi coming to save mankind. Iran, Syria,
and Hizb Allah in Lebanon is the only formidable resistance and obstacle
the surface, and arguably the war in Syria is continuation, or perhaps
the endgame of the Sunni/Shia conflict which was never resolved and
still represents Islam’s unresolved schism as to the rightful heir to
the Prophet. After all the basic tenets and belief of the Alawite,
Shia, Sufi, and Druze faith are based upon the belief in the blood
lineal descendency of the Prophet being the Imamate and Fatimid
terminating in the twelfth Imam believed to be in occlution.
Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD)
George W Bush (Junior) was formally elected a President of the United
States of America on 20 January 2001 in controversial circumstance with
few thousand greater votes in the State of Florida in which his brother
John Ellis ‘Jeb’ Bush was Governor. It is a testimony to the credit and
statesmanship of Vice President Al Gore not to press the matter and
challenge to the legitimacy of the vote to finality through the Supreme
1990 with the collapse of the Berlin Wall and disintegration of the
Soviet Union George H W Bush went to war in Iraq to liberate Kuwait from
the Iraqi occupation. The relatively short war labeled Desert Storm
saw the American tanks and army stop short distance from Baghdad. But
despite the atrocities and other heinous acts committed by Saddam
Hussein including using chemical weapons against the Kurdish population
George H Bush knew better than going all the way to toppling Saddam
Hussein. Thirteen years later his son, George W Bush with his so called
New Conservative clique dubbed ‘Neocon’ advisors wanted to change the
new world order went all the way topping Saddam Hussein and saw him
pretext for going to war was ‘indisputable evidence’ of weapon of mass
destruction (WMD) in Iraq. Britain popular Labor Prime Minister, Tony
Blair, provided the necessary support for Bush. The man officially
charged with finding the WMD, the Swedish politician and diplomat, Hans
Martin Blix told the Bush administration in no uncertain language that
there is no WMD in Iraq and described Bush and his Neocon as nothing
more than pursuers of witch hunt, trying to find excuse for conclusion.
Despite Blix’s plea on a nominated hour on 20 March 2003 the United
Nation mandate and resolution over Iraq was pushed aside as waves after
waves of the all mighty American bombers from carriers in the
Mediterranean and Saudi Arabia basis dropped their first load nearly
missing Saddam by a whisker. Officially the last American combat
soldiers left Iraq in 2012 some 10 years from the official start of the
Tenth anniversary of the war
most conservative estimate of casualties of the second Iraq war put the
death toll to over 200,000 with equal number maimed and injured
Iraqi’s. Minorities, particularly the eldest Christian sects that date
their presence in Iraq to the cradle of Christianity who could flee fled
Iraq and became refugees or migrants in countries that heeded the call
and sent soldiers to Iraq including Australia and Canada. With that
numbers of Iraqi killed there are countless number of orphaned children,
large number of whom on the tenth anniversary of the war are being
looked after by surviving relatives, including grandparents.
Christ’s Return
BBC reporter given the task of officially reporting on Iraq 10 years
after Saddam and who was present in Iraq on 20 March 2003 was keen to
find what the average Iraqi had to say. His question was simply are
Iraqi’s better off 10 years after Saddam. The majority answered ‘NO’.
Those who answered YES were living in or close to the so-called GREEN
ZONE where most embassies are located. One particular young lady
answered: ‘Before there were two bombs exploding every two hours now
two bombs explode every week’.
reporter asked Abu Hamza, an elderly man selling coffee in a street in
Baghdad whether he was better off. The man told the reporter he had
lost three of his children killed by the American and he was now looking
after their orphaned children and that he was fearful for their future.
Asked whether he had message for George W Bush for starting the war
Abu Hamza said ‘yes’ I do have a message for Mr George W Bush and this
message is:
‘When Christ Returns He will be on my side NOT Bush’s side’
is a very profound statement to which any true Christian should give
serious thought to. Any true Christian will look for genuine repentance
and to ways and means to correct the misdeeds of their elected
President, George W Bush and his Neocons.
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