Dear Reader,
For number of years, 6 years to be exact, I had Nokia 71 mobile phone that I gradually learned to be familiar with and started to like. When I received a call the phone will, in a robot sounding voice, tell me the name of the caller thus giving me the option of taking or ignoring the call. This was so till about three weeks ago when I decided to upgrade and go with the latest Galaxy Note which I was told is one up on the iPhone with latest updates and technology. Each of my three adult children had iPhones for almost a year and each had been telling me to upgrade. Upgrade I did when I brought my Galaxy Note and to surprise my beloved three children took it out of my pocket after dinner and threw it on the dining table for each of them to see. ‘Wow, wow dad that is the latest’ said Caroline as she started to navigate her way through the latest technology for which Apple and Samsung had been locked in Court each accusing the other of breaches of the Copyright Act.
After three weeks of trying to make sense of the Galaxy Note during which I went through one screen to the other and back to the original screen or been requested to answer questions that made no sense, and, after some consideration, I decided to pulp the Galaxy Note.
Yes Dear Reader, you read it right. I decided to pulp the Galaxy Note.
I went to the factory of a friend who manufactures range of small goods including range of delicacy beef, ham, sausages, salami, and other unique smoked fish product. At the factory there are a number of mincing machines that can instantly turn any solid item, such as boned meat, into powder. My Galaxy Note had a new brown leather cover that was a gift by my Vodafone carrier. I thought to weigh the Galaxy Note on accurate scale then decide not to. I paced the Galaxy Note, like a lamb to the slaughter, on the table in my friend’s small goods factory and took the cleaver and hit it with all the might of my right hand. The Galaxy Note did not make any noise but I was confident enough it was not any longer capable of making any noise. It was not quite split in half. I carried it and put in the mincing machine and flicked the switch. The Galaxy Note was instantly minced with the machine giving a whiff of brown powder. I collected the now particles nearly powdered Galaxy Note and weighed it on the electrical scale. It registered 393 grams. Needless to say my friend was totally astonished and thought I had have lost the plot and gone mad. After a while he and I laughed our hearts out after he reminded me that he needed to clean and sterilize the mincing machine to ensure not a single particle of the Galaxy Note remained.
I went home feeling good having had my revenge and expressed my outrage at the latest frightening technology that by design or otherwise is changing ingrained human instincts and behaviour and making it robotic.
Just before arriving home I realized I also pulped the microchip that stored all my contacts. I went to the local store and purchased $23 mobile phone with a new microchip and started to store the contacts that I could remember - at the same time thinking that the pulped powder that I had in a tissue in my pocket contained all those dear contacts. Needless to say I went back to my Nokia 71.
I suspect that sometime in the near future some of you Dear Readers will emulate my deed. Undoubtedly some of you will understandably think I have lost the plot.
Let me make this prediction: in few years time, if mankind did not create cataclysmic catastrophe or survives a surprise cataclysmic catastrophe there will come a major revolt against the kind of technology that was in my now pulped Galaxy Note. Fans of the movie The Terminator no doubt will agree.
I have decided to ask a friend to make a special micro urn for me to place and finally put to rest the 393 grams of pulped Galaxy Note. I think I will tell my friend to engrave on the urn the following indelible words: Sam once Sung and inside this urn is Michael’s song to what Sam Sung’.
Let me know what you think.
Till next time cheers for now